Friday, February 22, 2008

A REAL Stimulus Idea

The so called "stimulus" package that was signed into law is a hoax! Yes we will get money, but most of us are going to use it to pay debt.
Now think about this a moment.
What has just happened to banks? They have gone through a time of massive foreclosures and loan defaults. The congress will not bail them out so close to an election, well at least not forthrightly. So what do they do? They form a stimulus package where the majority will not be spent, but will be used to pay off some debt that is owed on credit cards, to, YOU GUESSED IT, banks. Two big losers in the sub prime mortgage were Citibank and Household Bank Corp. Two of the largest holders of credit card debt.
The Stimulus Package is NOT going to help the economy but THIS would!

Congress needs to place a limit on the interest rate a bank can charge for unsecured or revolving credit. The highest should be no more than 12%, which is still substantially higher than what was thought to be exorbitant just 50 years ago. This would immediately and permanently increase the fungible funds available to every family in the US who has credit card debt. This increase in funds would be not just for a month but for a lifetime. This would have a positive effect on the economy as there would be more funds to spend. It would also help people, not banks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We Will Be Better!

Soon we will be seeing what a GREAT company looks like. I can't wait! We will not be a company that promotes individuals who have chosen to be degraded for money like the company we chose to leave did. (go here)
I am glad we have people of principle who are interested in lifting up wholesome, God centered, and honest business practices. That we will have a company that we will not be afraid to speak the name of in someones home.
It has been quite a vacation, but we will soon return to the business of not only changing peoples hearts, but changing their financial lives as well.

BTW, in my next blog, I will give you a stimulus package that will work not for a couple of days, it would work for a lifetime.

In Christ,


Saturday, February 9, 2008

A leader in helping Rwandan's

A little history:

Rwanda went through a civil war and genocide beginning in 1994. Hutu extremists took over media, killed Hutu moderates, and slaughtered the Tutsi tribe. After 100 days of slaughter more than a million Tutsi tribespeople were dead. This left thousands of orphans, so many in fact that most of those living in Rwanda today are under the age of 30. There are still many orphans living in the streets of Kigali (Rwanda's capital city) today.

Into this situation came Joie Pirkey. God had given her a verse for the Bible, which she did not quite understand for some time. This was:

In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans;

While at a conference (I was there, and can confirm this) Bernard Blessing was speaking and stated he would be speaking to Darius Twagirayesu a friend of his. It was at that moment she realized that the God was speaking to her about Darius.

Darius was born in Rwanda, during the Genocide his family was slaughtered by the Hutu, he even suffered a large gash on the head and was left for dead. Through this experience Darius felt God had spared him for a reason. He now works to bring to light what happened there.

Through her contact with Darius, Joie found that God wanted her to build an orphanage in Rwanda. She has followed that calling. Today she and her family continue to go to Rwanda to help the orphans. She continues to lead an effort to bring light to a dark situation. And she continues to follow Johns edict:

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

She is leading a great and wonderful effort, and through her effort and that of others concerned with Rwanda, a Revival has come to the people of the people there. They are even sending missionaries here!

Thank you Joie for your effort and leadership in an area of such need.


Shouts of Joy Ministries Rwanda

Darius Twagirayesu and International Hope for Rwanda