Friday, October 26, 2007

My mom taught me, "Don't wear out your welcome"!

My mom taught me a lot of things.
  1. Always wear clean underwear.
  2. Open doors for ladies.
  3. Say "Please" and "Thank You".
  4. Chew with your mouth shut! (I think she thought so highly of her cooking, she could just not bear the thought that one morsel should be lost by falling out of my mouth!)
I think that was her capstone rule. She use to tell me that a lot. You see, I had low self esteem so I only had a few friends, usually one at a time. I would go there every day, and mom would say, "Don't wear our your welcome, your gonna wear out your welcome!"
For the longest time I didn't listen, I had a friend that actually liked me, for about a month, then, as if on cue I would get the old rub off, "Just GO 1John, GO!" So I would. Then I would hear the "I told you not to wear out your welcome!"
Sometimes, people would invite me over to help them, so I'd go, never knowing they were using me for their own benefit. They would say, Hey, why don't you bring pizza when you come. So I would, then they would give me a rake and while they were in eating the pizza I brought, I would be raking up their leaves. When I was done, after I had done all the work and my pizza was gone even though I got none of it (I got the little plastic pizza protector sometimes if I bought enough of the really expensive pizza), they would come to the screen door after I knocked to come in and they would say "Just GO 1John, GO!" So I did. My mom would tell me, "You shouldn't have worn out your welcome!"
I heard a story once about this bumble bee who went to his junior high Halloween party. Well later in life, this particular bumblebee found a good way to get pollen by helping a lot of other bumblebees get pollen. They really didn't care where the pollen came from, they just knew that they needed pollen to survive, and really liked the original bumble bee for bringing them to the pollen. He developed a lot of other bumble bees into those who would lead other bumble bees to the pollen. What was interesting is the particular plant that produced the pollen really like the fact that the first bumble bee brought so many pollinators, more of this later.
Eventually the first bumble bee developed a system to help other bumble bees bring other bumble bees to the pollen. It was really good for a while until the first bumble bee got into the International Bumble Bee Association. There he was informed that the pollen that was being produced by the plant had competing pollen plants that were just as good quality however they were gave their pollen up easier. So the bumble bee went to the plant and asked for pollen to be given easier. The plant said it would work on it, however it never did. Eventually the bumble bee was on vacation and ran out of pollen so he went to one of the other plant, whose Latin name was Walius Martinus, and was amazed at how easy the pollen was released.
When he came home again, he told the IBBA about it, some of the bumble bees in the IBBA thought, "You know, it would be better for the bumble bees that we have taught to come to the plant if the plant made it easier on the bumble bees."
They approached the plant, and the plant said, "NO, Why should I make it easier?" So they resigned the IBBA, met one more time, and several bumble bees after going over differing scenarios of what the plant would do, then they went over different scenarios of what their actions would be for any action the plant would do, and finally came up with a plan to FREE THE BUMBLE BEES!
They approached the plant, let the plant know they wanted out of the high work pollination of the plant and the plant stripped them of their ability to gather pollen and told them they couldn't gather pollen anywhere else for six months, and wouldn't allow them to collect the pollen that was owed them.
The plant then sent threatening e-mails to all bumble bees, told them how the original bumble bee was not flapping his wings right, which previously the plant had praised him for, and called the bumble bee really bad names.
The Plant also had an employee that like to write stupid things on the web. It was the plants official stupid writing blog. The employee told all the bumble bees to go. So they did, in accordance with plant rules. Several months later the plant sued the organization headquarters of the original bumble bee for telling the other bumble bees to go. The original bumble bee's response was that of amazement because the plant who told them to leave would have the audacity to blame the bumble bee for what the plant had done itself.
The moral of the story is this:

I never learned my mama's golden rule, I had to be told to leave by Quixtar's official blog, but I did leave because they asked me too.

Oh, yeah, mama also told me not to lie, wish other mothers would have taught their children not to lie as well. Blaming others for telling people to leave when you were the one that actually told them is bearing false witness and a lie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for providing another voice of reason in an insane world. I'll keep reading!