Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I've Gone and Will Look to the Future!

I have about had it with the past. My wife and I made the decision to leave Quixtar when their official Blog disparaged us. You see, we ARE members of TEAM. So when we were asked to leave, we did, as I mentioned on my second blog.
There are good blogs out there to find out good information about Q. They are fun and exciting, most have been here since very early on. I like to read them for their insight. From Crazyworld, to Qreily, Barrister, to lost cents, each plays an important part.
I am now interested in the future. We only have a couple of months to go before we are free to join whatever MLM we choose, and the first person in our new business that has never been a part of Amway will be on the phone to anyone that I can remember that has been. You see, Alticor can't touch them. And I don't think there is a court in the land that would honor after the fact alterations to Q rules. Like:

Rule 397 sub paragraph A, Line 2- No IBO, Past IBO, or Anyone else never associated with Quixtar, or it's parent or sister companies, can in any way contact anyone ever associated with Quixtar, it's parent or sister companies.


Rule 596 1/2 paragraph 3.222- No person who is alive today on the face of the Earth, OR is orbiting the Earth OR is on a mission outside the confines of the Earth is allowed to disparage Quixtar, it's parent or sister companies in any way including saying that it's wholesale prices are in fact retail prices (which we know they are), or in any way discourage anyone from joining our company.

Even though they would LIKE those rules to be legal, they never will be.

So, with that being said, I am going to be looking to the future. I will ask question to which anonymous bloggers can give answers to those who would like to know. Hopefully we can get some "possible" answers.

To start:

What will the possible structure of the new business model be? Will it be on a yearly or biannual basis to a supplier of good to great quality products priced at real wholesale levels?
Would there be branded products that would be owned by the new corporation?
Who will the owners of the new corporation be? Would it be structured where 1/3rd will be owned by Woodward/Brady, 1/3rd by Policy council, and 1/3rd by an Independent Owners Association? Perhaps wholly owned by the independent owners, with a Board of Directors that are voted on by the independent owners annually. With those supplying the Motivational and personal growth materials gaining intellectual rights to their materials and if they wanted using it to help out with incomes of those who are triple 50's or some number?

I am just asking for some "supposed" answers, these will be helpful for those interested in their future.

In Christ,
And may His Blessings be on you this Thanksgiving and every day!


Anonymous said...

I love the new rules--so much easier to understand!

You gave me a good chuckle this morning. Thanks!

Hurting Inside said...

That was a great post!

I also left you a message in a comment on http://barristerquixtarlawsuit.blogspot.com/ don't remember exactly what it said because it hasn't been approved yet. But it kinda answered partially the question you asked the bloggers.

I am a brand new blogger by the way. Have never blogged before but am so fed up by the Q betrayals to their loyal IBOs. You can check out my blog if you have time at:


latent heat said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love the new tone of this blog. We are looking forward to what is to come as well. Enough time has been spent turning over and disecting the past. It is wise not to ignore the past and history, but it can't be the excuse to not move forward.

The potential stucture you suggest / elude to seems to have some merit. I personally can't say that I have enough experience in this type of industry to think I would be able to suggest the best strucure. At best I would consider myself as an evffective level 2 leader in this industry with a drive and propensity to be moving on to level 3 and 4.

With that said, I am currently studying LLR and Good to Great. Agian, I don;t believe that it that study will position me personaly to be able to suggest the best structure, but it has definetly reinforced my belief that the level 5 leadership we have on the team can and will structure a new business that focuses on the team's success. In fact, I would venture to say that because they are infact level 5 leaders, they will structure it in a manner that rewards the newest person long before themselves because they know the real harvest is long term, not quick gains for themselves.

1John5:13 said...


Thanks for the comments. I realize much is going to be speculation for at least a few more months. What I am hoping for is good discussion, ideas, etc., for this blog. If you remember in LLR, their discussion of Nelson, the level 4 leader example. He would listen to their ideas, and disect the good and bad, keeping the good, before a major battle. (I think what we are experiencing now was well thought out and planned prior to Quixtar's action.) A good level 4 leader will discuss several scenarios and what actions should be taken IF the opponant chooses a certain course of action. A great chess player is worried about an opponants 7th or more move ahead. Our leaders are great stratagizers.
I am hoping to glean some "maybe's" in these discussions.


latent heat said...


After reading your reply I can't help but find myself challenged to participate in the discussion as I see your point. I have found this to be the only way to truly flurish even in 95% corporate world when faced with tough decisions. Ultimately, the best inputs do come from places we least expect them and it is very exciting to see someones reaction when you get excited and thank them for thier input. Anyway here are my intial thoughts:

I find that people will focus and act based upon what they are measured on. Hence, it is critical to understand what behavior will be provoked based on what measurements are used to reward. In other words: "expect what you inspect".

So, the first question is, "what is the vision, what do we truly want to achieve as a team?". If that the answer is to truly affect our culture and turn it from an entitlement mentality to a leadership driven mentality, then system counts is what should be measured by all means. However, it cannot focus on reaching and sustaining certain numbers, it must focus on growth rates. Unfortunately, since the competition is really week in the industry, reaching certain levels will be a challenge, but in my view, not a very tough one after one engages in the process. Many leaders reach a certain level and then start to rest - or camp at that stage as there is nothing to drive the hunger they had when they started. If we want to truly affect the culture of this and other countries, then growth rates must be a metric used to determine reward, else it is to easy to set up camp and get confortable as we are no longer as hungry as we once were. This also ensures that the newest person in will recieve the mentorship and leadership of those that have already walked the miles of the path that he / she will be starting down.

Just my thoughts.

1John5:13 said...


This is very good stuff you bring up. If you do not mind, I would like to publish it on the blog and ask for comments. I realize there is not much readership here yet, however, with quality posts like yours, that will change.
We are soon to be at the six month point, and I think that we need to be learning now.
With that said, can I publish your last comment and ask for others to respond? I think I will publish great comments like yours to spur all of us on to greatness!!!!

latent heat said...


Sorry about the delay in my response. I humbled by your request. If you see fit to publish the comment on the post in a manner that may help the team, then by all means please do so.

latent heat said...

I finished reading Good to Great by Jim Collins. It's a great book. Some things I had to re-read several times to make sure I understood.

One of the big points he brings out (I think it actually was part of his other book Built to Last as well) is the Hedgehog Concept. Basically, as I understand it, it is a coming together of three circles (sound familiar?). The three circles are:

1.) What is it that you think you can be the BEST at?
2.) What is it that will positively impact your economic situation going forward?
3.) What do you have a passion for?

He explains that this is one of the primary common theads that all organizations that have gone from good to great have in common. They have found the match for all three in one simple item and have stayed true to that item. There is no doubt in my mind that team is already at least good.

How does this relate to what is happening with team?

In my opinion, team has already proven it's ability to be the best at building communities of Leaders.

There is no doubt that it has the potential to signifactly impact many peoples economic situations. It did already even with the anchor of Quixtar / Amway for many people. A new commerce circle geared to compete in the pricing market with higher profit margin can only make that better. The growth of that requires the individual growth of leaders as well as the quantity of leaders in the community.

And finally, is there any question that the team's passion revolves around leadership?

Well - maybe I just have a thick head and eveybody else already knows this, but it seems to me that team has a pretty solid hedgehog concept to move forward from good to great with.

Hence, as I continue to learn, I am finding myself more resolved on my earlier post that compensation should be tied to growth - at all levels - in system counts, not just product volume. Product volume will flow - no doubt - in a competively priced e-commerce offering. But, unless the goal is to bread allot of 95% thinking sales persons signing up customers, there needs to be reward based on higher levels of leadership growth. That is assuming we understand what a leader really is. That is of course clearly defined in LLR. The question to me is, what is the key metric that demostrates the results inherent to each level of leadership and what will provoke the hunger to continue to personally grow as a leader (developing new leaders)?

To be honest, what I propose does scare me personally. It's still easier to focus on product flow even though I'm not into product sales - it's just more tangible. However, like the servant leaders that I have been graced to work with on the team in the last year, I am committed to leadership and it's growth in our culture. I also have belief and faith that rewards well beyond economic will come with that growth. Hence, being scared cannot be the reason we don't do it anyway. Seems to me that I've heard and read that courage insn't the lack of fear, its the act of doing the right thing despite fear.